Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Entry 3


Mixtures and Compounds

Mixtures and compounds can be differentiated by:
-energy change

An alloy is a mixture of metals with other elements. They tend to be stronger than pure metals.
Some must-know alloys...

-Steel --> Iron+carbon
-Stainless Steel --> Iron+carbon+chromium+nickel)
-Brass --> Copper+zinc
-Bronze --> Copper+tin

Separation Techniques

-Chromatogram (refer to earlier post)
-Magnetic attraction
-Separating Funnel

Mixtures are separated into pure substances for:
-Production of useful substances like medicine.

All these separation methods make use of the properties of the substances.
We should be able to:
-Apply these skills to daily life
-Suggest separation techniques that are useful when given a situation
 (We will be doing a practical on this soon, so something to look forward to ^^)

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