Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Entry 2


Elements, Compounds, Mixtures

Okay, to start off, here are some terms used to describe the properties of elements (I didn't know them previously, so):

Malleable: Bendable (Basically if the material can bend without breaking)
Ductile: Can be drawn into thin wires

These are usually used to describe metals. 

An element (classified into metals, metalloids and non-metals), is a pure substance made up of entirely one type of atom.
Some of you may ask, "What's the difference between atoms and molecules?"
A very important question. 

An ATOM is the smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. 
A MOLECULE is a group of 2 or MORE atoms CHEMICALLY COMBINED. (Most elements exist as molecules)

That brings us to the Periodic table. 

The periodic table is a list of elements arranged in order of the increasing proton numbers. The vertical rows of the periodic table are called groups and are numbered - get this - in ROMAN NUMERALS. The horizontal rows are read as periods:

(Also a clearer pic of the periodic table I drew XD)

Just for laughs:

I found this song a really long time ago. Back then I didn't really understand. :p
(But it's catchy. XD)

Okay, I know this isn't very relevant, but still. If you're interested on how the earth was made and all, this song briefly explains it. (I like the Big Bang Theory. XD)

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